Kernersville Dance Company
Recital 2025
This is where you'll find all of the information about our Spring 2025 Dance Recital! Please contact our studio office if you have any questions.
336-580-3295 *
When is the show?
Please find your class time from the list below to find your show time.
Please find more details below about rehearsal and recital specifics.

Recital Pictures
This year we are excited to have Heather Whicker Photography take our recital photos! She is an amazing local photographer from Kernersville, NC!
Pictures will be taken at the KDC studio this year on the following dates: Sunday, April 13 and Saturday, April 26.
You must sign-up for a time using the sign-up link below.
All photo packages include the digital rights of the photos and you can print as many pictures as you'd like. They will be emailed to you within 2-4 weeks of your picture day.
1 Dancer Package: $50.00
2 Siblings Package: $90.00
*includes edited images of your dancers both individual and together
3 Siblings Package $120.00
*includes edited images of your dancers both individual and together
To reserve your time slot, please use this sign-up genius form:
If you have any questions, please let us know!

Rehearsal and Recital Info
*Please see your class specific email that was sent out about your recital/rehearsal. (These will be sent at the end of March)
Dancers need to arrive ON TIME and dressed in FULL costume for your first dance (see your class specific email about which dance that is for you)
When you arrive, please check your dancer in at the dancer check-in table in the lobby. Our volunteers will direct you on where to drop off your dancer at that time. ALL dancers will stay with their classes in their assigned space for the entire rehearsal and show. There will be parent volunteers from each class for your child to sit with during the rehearsal and recital as well as many KDC staff members checking in on the dancers/volunteers often.
*Younger dancers will be able to wait in their assigned dressing rooms during the show and participate in activities. Older dancers will be seated in the dancer seating section and will watch the show!
AT INTERMISSION, ONE PARENT will need to return to your dancer’s assigned section to change your dancer for their second dance. For safety and for fewer disruptions, please do not take your child from their group during the rehearsal or recital.
After you change your dancer for their second dance, please return to your seat.
We will run through the show IN ORDER, so please plan to stay until your dancer practices their last dance. You may leave right after your dancer is finished at the rehearsal. We anticipate our full rehearsal to end around 8:00pm.
*We ask that you PLEASE stay for the entire recital show. These dancers have worked really hard and we appreciate the audience’s support.
If you are in multiple classes, you will receive an additional email regarding your costume changes.
*Don’t forget your extra costume pieces and shoes!

Flowers, Ads, Program Books, T-Shirts and Videos
Kernersville Dance Company
Spring Recital 2024
Recital Advertisement Information
We are celebrating a beautiful year of dance and we invite you to be a part of it!
Kernersville Dance Company invites you to support local arts by purchasing an advertisement at our 2024 Spring Recitals. Your ad will be shown on the large projection screens during all three of our recitals on May 10.. Our Spring Recital will feature close to 350 local student dancers and your ad will be viewed by 2000+ people during our weekend shows.
This is a great way to promote your local business and support our shows!
**ALL ADS ARE DUE BY APRIL 15, 2024. Unpaid ads will not be published.
Ad Pricing and Details
AD Option #1: Full Screen + Program Print + Social Media Shoutout $150.00
*Your ad will be shown on the projector screens during all three of our recital shows.
*Your ad will be printed in our recital program books.
*Your ad will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts the week before the show giving your business even more of a promotion!
AD Option #2: Full Screen + Program Print $125.00
*Your ad will be shown on the projector screens during all three of our recital shows.
*Your ad will be printed in our recital program books.
AD Option #3: Full Screen Only $100.00
*Your ad will be shown on the projector screens during all three of our recital shows.
How to purchase an ad:
Choose your ad type
Design your ad.
Submit your ad. Email your completed ad to
*It is best to send a PDF or jpeg of your completed design
Pay for your ad. You can pay cash or check (payable to Kernersville Dance Company.
For credit card payment, please email us and we can send you a payment link.
Have questions? Send us an email at or call Lauren Reel at 336-580-3295.
Thank you for supporting our dancers!
RECITAL VIDEOS: Our recitals are being professionally recorded. You may order a recital video starting April 1st by clicking the link below. Videos will be emailed to you a few days after the recital.
(Link available May 1st)
PROGRAM BOOKS: The order forms for our full-color recital program books are available in the studio lobby. Programs are $6.00 each and will be given to you in class the week before recital. You may also pickup pre-ordered program books at the recital. We will have a limited amount of program books for sale at the recital so we suggest pre-ordered your copy!